July 2023 Update

This month is ending on a fast pace, and it seems like work is relentless in it’s pacing. However, I am very grateful to be able to work, because this time last year I was still in recovery from my hospital stay and it’s better to be working then sitting on the couch playing Final Fantasy Remakes on the Playstation. However, it just continues the trend that there’s either nothing going on at all, or everything, everywhere, is happening all at once.

It’s been a good year, and my primary goals are to totally annihilate all my short and long term debt. The post COVID penndulum swing has put some fortune into my favors, and being a little bit older and wiser, I know that the feast and famine cycles are getting longer and more pronounced. When it’s good, it’s really good but when it’s bad, well, you get things like the COVID shutdown.

2023 has been marked with due diligence, keeping my head low, my mouth shut, and just forging forward and being a good citizen and doing my job. The only way we’re going to get through this is as a community, and being part of a community means that everybody has their particular vice that they contribute to. Recovering from my ailment took intervention from the government, where people I never met, holding higher positions that I ever hoped to attain, judged me and merited me worth the effort to keep alive, and for that gift I am now contributing back with my talents and capabilities in the best fashion that I know how.

It hasn’t been completely automoton Joe here. I do have a plan for the future, but to enact that plan it involves making some sacrifices now in the near term future. All the traveling and vacationing is done, and it’s time to repay and give back. In the end, I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. It’s just how life works, and it’s one of the many hills and valleys in life that we encounter.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. I really appreciate it.

Constant Updates to the Website

Here is yet another update to the website discussing the updates, and my future plans for the website despite the fact that there doesn’t seem to be much progress being made. Perhaps the point of talking about the updates to the website is the point, with an endless juxtaposition being made towards the constant promises towards better tomorrows, but in reality the website hangs in between this flux of hovering between being set up for better tomorrows, versus the constant background thoughts of just shutting it down, and giving it up.

In reality, this website takes a lot of time and effort to run and maintain and there’s no immediate benefits that I discern from the efforts that I put into it. I’m not sure if anybody even reads it, and there’s no promise that the information that I do put on here isn’t going to be held against me in some future, predisposed time. Indeed, the fact is that the internet, which was once a mechanism for free speech and enduring ideas, has become a very hostile, dystopian landscape where you cannot even determine if the people you interact with are real individuals or bots, with just pre-scripted talking points ready to shout you down if you stray from the corporate pre-determined talking points, which honestly is very hard to track as it seems like the scripts constantly shift and reality has just lost the narrative.

The danger that I feel like I’m running into is that I’m just flat out getting outdated with outdated ideals and mannerisms that don’t seem to mesh well with the hyper-partisan and continuously radicalization of the internet to push narratives that don’t seem to have any definitive conclusion or realistic destination. It’s just a constant march towards chaos with no real anchor point, or solid foundation of known truths to which people can base their decisions and handle the impetus of change regarding. In truth, we do not know where this is going or even how I fit into it, or even if I want to fit into it. What’s the reward, and the end game?

I guess the whole point is that were all in it together trying to figure it out, together.